Who am I? The truth was I never stopped to ask myself the question, Who am I? I had always taken great satisfaction and pleasure in the many labels that I had worn.
This was me for so many years.. it would go something like this:
I am Kashaun
I am daughter to my parents
I am the third eldest sibling among 7 children
I am highly educated
I am a wife
I am a mother
I am a homeowner
I am a leader in my career
All of these labels worked great because I felt they served me in some way. I took pride in wearing each of them because I felt they were a privilege that I had earned.
Well in 2016, when I was handed two more labels, Widow and Single Mother! Neither of them were ones that I wanted or felt applied to me.
I got angry
I got frustrated
I was sad
I was depressed
I didn’t want to be a widow, but I am…
I didn’t want to be a single mother, but I am…
Life isn’t fair I thought. I don’t deserve this!
What is the truth? I was right.
Life isn’t fair and I don’t deserve this...
At this point, when I was asked the question, who am I?
I was in an identity crisis....
I didn't like my labels and I didn't identity with them! THEY WERE NOT ME!!!
But, I placed my identity behind the labels and who am I now that I am wearing labels that I don't want!
The reality for us all as we are going through the process of grief and loss is we find ourselves in an identity crisis.
You are no longer a spouse, and you are not the same person you were before you got married. This is a painful realization!!!
You may feel lost, confused, and withdrawn because your sense of belonging has eluded you.
So, who are you? Deep inside without tying your identity to a marital status, career role, or family role WHO ARE YOU? WHO DO YOU WANT TO BE?
As you reflect, begin to ask yourself…
What do I like?
What makes me unique?
What makes me special?
Who do I want to be now?
Let’s redefine who we are! Let’s embrace our uniqueness!
I’ll Start:
I am Kashaun,
I am extremely blessed
I have a great sense of humor
I am someone that enjoys solitude
I am loving of myself and others that surround me
I am passionate about learning
I am dedicated
I am overbearing
And I love me ALL of me
Who are you?